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Advanced Measurement Systems
Metrology Lab - Zeiss Surfcom 2000SD3
This machine is capable of measuring a variety of straightness, flatness, profile, texture (Ra, Rp, Wt, etc.) on a large range
of part sizes.
The Surfcom is programmable and, with proper fixturing,
allows repeat measurements to be productionized.

Metrology Lab - Mahr MMQ 400
This machine is capable of measuring a variety of roundness, runout
(total, axial, and circular), concentricity, true positions, etc.,
on a large range of part sizes.
The Mahr is programmable and, with proper fixturing,
allows repeat measurements to be productionized.
Metrology Lab - Sprint MVP 200
This machine is capable to quickly measure distances, diameters, lengths between features, radii, perpendicularity, etc., on a large range of part sizes.
Like the Zeiss Surfcom 2000SD3 and the Mahr MMQ 400, it is programmable and, with proper fixturing,
allows repeat measurements to be productionized.